Yumemiru Danshi wa Genjitsushugisha [WN] - Chapter 114

Chapter 114
The Demon inside The Student Council Office

I managed to overcome the awkward atmosphere caused by Shirai-san's bombastic statement by saying that "I'm being called". I couldn't help but be grateful, because Ashida and Kawai who had been staring at me blankly, had now resumed their conversation about Volleyball Club. Shirai-san is that type of girl, huh... ...She's the kind of girl that if she's invited to a family restaurant, she'll say "I'm on a diet" in front of the girls and then she'll say "Then I'll have a jumbo parfait!" behind their backs. She's the kind of girl who would casually say, "I don't have any malice!"

I can understand why the friend she hung out with the most was Okamocchan. I think she's the type of girl who wouldn't say, "I'm on a diet!" but would get on the scale after eating a lot of sweets and say, "Eeeh!". I think she's the kind of girl who's like, sorry, this is my bad habit...

"So? What did you call me here for?"

"Thank you for coming, it's fine, right? I thought you'd have nothing to do since the day before the end of summer vacation too, right?"

The lunch break time had come. After lunch, I went straight to the Student Council Office and Big Sis handed me a document that was different from the previous one. I think she wanted me to do something with the document for her. I wanted to return the favor because she had saved my life before, but... ...Are you trying to take my precious free time away from me, Big Sis...!?

"It's okay, isn't it? After all, you'll be joining the Student Council anyway."

"No, no, what are you talking about?"

I remember that I was asked to join the Student Council during summer vacation. Was it for real? No, but I didn't want to join the student council either, just because I didn't want to. Just looking at the current situation, it seems that they're very busy. Now I've just finished my part-time job, so I think it's a bit stupid that I'm not getting paid for this one.

"Kaede's little bro is going to join the Student Council too! That'll be interesting!"

"That's good. I think it's interesting to see a big sister's position being taken over by her little brother."

The shout came from Todoroki-senpai, a handsome and skillful boy. Then followed by Hanawa-senpai, a handsome boy, who also showed approval of his statement while collecting Todoroki-senpai's documents from his side. You don't need to agree to that, Brothers. Who would choose to join such a troublesome organization? I think this position is more suitable for pretty girls who are looking for handsome guys.

"Come on, over there. Sit next to Takuto and please take the documents from Yuudai."

"Oh? Ta-Takuto...? Yuudai?"

"Kai Takuto. Yuudai is that energetic boy over there."

"That's me."

Oh, you were referring to Kai-senpai and Todoroki-senpai. How am I supposed to know their nicknames all of a sudden when I've never heard them before? So you call everyone here by their nicknames, huh...? ...And Todoroki-senpai, you have no intention of carrying out your duty, do you? Hanawa-senpai should just do everything for you? Especially since you guys have called me here, so let me do your work. What am I? A booster?

"If you leave the task to Todoroki-senpai, there will probably still be some flaws, so it's fine for me to do it."


As if understanding my feelings, Kai-senpai, who's a genius and handsome boy, patted my shoulder as he reprimanded me while correcting the position of his glasses. His gaze seemed to be telling me to give up. In reality, it was Kai-senpai who gave up. I wonder if Todoroki-senpai is the mascot here and not Big Sis...

"I'm sorry, Wataru. I'll be grateful that you're here too, so can you help me for a while?"


He was subdued by the cool and handsome Student Council President, Yuuki-senpai, and had a lot of attributes. I think this boy is the second nicest person after Kai-senpai. Gosh, but he's still the most handsome boy... ...What's the point of me assigning that position to him? Leave your position to Goddess Natsukawa. That way, I'll be the guru.

Big Sis is indeed helping me, so I can calmly use this laptop while being guided by Kai-senpai. Come to think of it, that "laptop" word kind of sounds like something... ...I can't say anything about it. That's right, my evil thoughts have indeed become my driving force.

"Oh, sorry, Kaede-san. Where can I find a special form for this?"

"Oh, there it is. Copy the fourth file in the "Cultural Festival" folder and use it."

"Okay, thank you very much."

Kai-senpai asked something to Big Sis. It seemed that the senpai-s only knew the gist of it, but they would learn the details from now on. From what I hear, aren't you guys trying to make me do something you haven't started yet? Wait a minute, it'll be my full duty from now on, right? ...Okay, please give me a break.

"...Eh? What is this? You guys are converting the handwritten content into a form...? Wouldn't it probably be just as good if it was handwritten?"

"No, if that's what the Executive Committee members from outside will compile. It's not impossible to do that, but if we are not good at using laptops, our supporters and volunteers might shy away from us or leave us. Especially the elderly with money."

"I'm not sure if it's polite or not..., when you call them 'elderly people with money'."

"Hmm, we're looking forward to working with you. Sajou-kun."

"Eh, yeah."

I was about to complain to Big Sis, but Kai-senpai, who had a shadow on his face, brought his face close to mine. I've never heard "We're looking forward to working with you" sound so threatening like that before. It's been a long time since I've met K4, but they've gradually become hard to take for granted.

When I picked up the printout, I found that the contents were the same as those in the file on my laptop. It seems that all I need to do is download the document onto this laptop as data. It's not like they're school officials... ...So, so this file didn't come from the school, but I guess it was from a group of people who were paid by different sources. I guess I can understand why this school several times ago gave special treatment to the students from the West Building. The families of the students from that building are indeed full of powerful people.

"Hey, Big Sis. I know it's a bit too late, but we're from the East Side, aren't we!?"

"Never mind, just move your hand!"

Big Sis, who was sitting on my left, put her arm around my head. Hey, I can hear the "crack" sound from my neck now...! That sounds like it hurts!

"...? What are you guys talking about?"

"...It's nothing. Please continue with your work."

I moved my hand forward, rubbing my neck. I think there was a reason why Big Sis had silenced me. If I just shut up and move my hand quietly, I think it will be fine...

Although the size of the print-outs we collected was quite large, we were able to reduce it quickly. As I just found out, it was very easy for us to get the addresses and phone numbers of the volunteers. For example, like the alumni of this school or people related to this school, all I had to do was look up their names from last year's list and then copy-pasted them.

"So, it wasn't that difficult, huh?"

"It's not, it's just that it's going to be very difficult because we're collecting it during lunchtime. It's like working overtime but not getting paid."


"You have a strong desire to be a company worker, don't you? That's why I pushed you like this."

"Stop that..., you must be joking, right?"

"Kaede, it will make us depressed too... ...so please stop using the term 'work overtime and not get paid'."

Seriously? Seriously...?

I was so shocked when I heard that that I repeated those twice. Being a slave of the company was very humiliating, but it was also very dangerous. Yuuki-senpai was also feeling a bit depressed. Is that strange...? I thought before that I wouldn't be motivated unless I was paid like when I'm working part-time.

"You seem to have a lot of money in your pocket..."

"Oh!? H-How did you know?! You're always taking advantage of me, aren't you!?"

"It's strange that you who work part-time don't ask for wages for your work. That's proof that you have a lot of money. I know that well... ...It's more or less the same as what you did when you were in middle school..."

"Hey, seriously, stop thinking about those weird things! Stop making me buy you more drinks than before!"

"But so far you're fine, right...!?"


Yuuki-senpai's words have the destructive power of a nuclear bomb.

Instead of becoming a corporate slave, I developed the instinct of becoming a slave...? I can't increase any power into my body and this is very dangerous. It feels like my entire body is instantly bruised. I'm probably completely exhausted right now. What's wrong with the start of this new term? Can I face it...?

"I'm sorry, Wataru. As a token of my gratitude, I'll make lunch for you tomorrow."

"Yeah? Eh...?"

"Please come to the Student Council Office at noon tomorrow."


There are so many surprises for me from you guys, but before that, can I ask you guys one thing? Besides, I can only see a future where I'll be forced to help with your work again, right? If I want to eat some handmade food, I'll at least want to get it from a girl. I don't mean to disrespect Big Sis or anything..., but rather, what's wrong with the Student Council in this school!? If this school only has one girl on the Student Council, isn't that strange?

"Oh, if you're going back to your classroom, please go to the Reference Room while carrying the cardboard box over there."

"You're a demon, huh?"

"Even though you said so, you still want to carry it, don't you...!?"


"I'm sorry, but can you help him too for me, Takuto?"

"Okay. Roger that. Just leave it to me."

Author's Note:

[K4] ———

Short for Kaede's 4 People. The name was given by Sajou Wataru (15). It consists of 4 handsome young men, and they are thought to have gathered for Sajou Kaede (18), a female member of the Student Council at Kōetsu High School. People often misinterpret it as "4K".

"Other Meanings" ————

Another term for a light four-wheeled vehicle (Keiyon / Kei car).

TL: Reeze27

ED: Reeze27

PR: Reeze27

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