Yumemiru Danshi wa Genjitsushugisha [WN] - Chapter 113

Chapter 113
Sense of Distance

(TL Note: Actually, there's one extra chapter before this one, but because it's an LN only chapter, we're not going to translate it, if you want to read it you have to purchase the official English of the LN Volume 5, when it comes out.)

As we enter the second term, we are now in Cultural Festival mode. For the members of the Culture Festival Executive Committee, it's as if the Culture Festival has already started. Natsukawa and Sasaki seem to be very busy these days. I couldn't see them very clearly, but I got the impression that they were bringing their duties into the classroom.

"Good job, Sasaki!"

"What are you doing, Sasaki?"

"Hey!? Hey, this is something no outsider should see!"

Student B, who was engaged in a stupid conversation with Yamazaki and upsetting Sasaki, was me. I just walked over and followed him, as he had his arm around my shoulder. This interaction was also a kind of encouragement. You can rejoice in that, Sasaki.

When he sensed our arrival, Sasaki hurriedly hid the documents on his desk out of sight. I guess, it was like he was dealing with budget documents during the trial. It's not unusual that he has something he doesn't want outsiders to see. No, it's strange, but if that's the case, there's no need to bring it into the classroom.

"What are you busy with? How are you and your little sis?"

"Oh? Oh..., we still get along as usual."

"That's how it should be, if you don't, then you're stupid!"

"Sh-Shut up!"

Yamazaki ignored him. This is probably his reaction to summer vacation. Energetic boys like these tend to shine more when they are at school than during summer vacation. What's wrong with you, Sasaki? «Yamazaki» *Death blow.

"Are the members of the Culture Festival Executive Committee that busy this time of year?"

"Busy, you said... ...Yeah, I do work hard every day with "Natsukawa"."


Sasaki whispered and emphasized Natsukawa's name repeatedly. I guess this could be considered a provocation... ...this b*stard... ...he's been meeting and hanging out with Natsukawa several times a week during summer vacation...! I'm sure you're used to seeing her in her summer uniform! I still can't even look at her directly...!

...Calm down, me. Calm down.

"...I see."

"I see, you said."

"I-I-I wonder what questions will be presented at the riddle competition we're holding."

This was indeed an escape from reality. Even if Sasaki approaches Natsukawa and he gets in a good mood, if Natsukawa is happy about it, then I will also feel satisfied. I mean, if I'm not satisfied with it, then there's no point in me being rejected all this time. But it's hard for me to witness that, so I won't support them or interfere unnecessarily. So, at least do what you want without me, for heaven's sake. Thankfully Yamazaki changed the atmosphere instantly. I guess, I really didn't think about anything.

"Riddles, huh? We might have a lot of little kids coming, so wouldn't it be better to keep the questions simple?"

"We should think about those from now on."

"Let's think of questions that are really hard to guess!"

"Even if you can come up with ideas."

"What the heck are you saying, Sasaki!?"

Culture Festival at Kōetsu High School. Each class was asked to put on a performance, and our class, Class C, we had already decided to hold a riddle competition. There were a few other suggestions, such as a café or a role play, but they were all rejected. Our homeroom teacher, Ootsuki-chan, told us that such a massive event would probably be rejected because it might be taken up by the third-year students, so we couldn't hold it. It would be very awkward if we took the same theme as the senpai-s. Besides, the school also wanted the first-year students to avoid such things because of certain hygiene issues that might be troublesome. Even when I was still working part-time at a convenience store, the food stalls were usually quite noisy, so I could understand it.

The first view in a month and a half since I last saw her. Natsukawa complained that she often didn't have much time to hang out with her fellow female classmates during summer vacation, but it seemed that the girls around her had plenty to talk about. Whenever there was free time during class, a few girls would gather around Natsukawa's desk. A wave of girls. I really wanted to get sucked into it.


When I looked to the side, I found Shirai-san and Okamocchan who were smiling as they looked at me, as well as Ichinose-san who was upset. The "Don't come near me" vibes she had before the summer vacation had now been replaced with small animal-like vibes thanks to the removal of her long bangs and the appearance of her large, pitiful eyes. That's good...! You two are the best...! Show me more of your intimate scenes!

"How come you grin when you watch girls, anyway?"

"Whoa, Kawai!"

"Eh, do we look cute?"

"I didn't say that, really."

"This is indeed a hot topic."

Two Volleyball Club members were talking on the seat behind mine. They were talking about club activities, or maybe they had some kind of form spread out on their table. Kawai is usually taller than me and has a masculine personality, so when I talked to her I suddenly said "Whoa". According to Ashida, she seems to have her own way of dealing with people who react like that. I kind of dislike that tsukkomi.

"Look, look, that Ichinose-san. I'm the one who took care of that girl."

"I'll report it to Aichi."

"How much should I pay?"

"We were just talking about whether we should get a new ball for our club."

"Please, stop throwing around complicated words."

Oh no, isn't our Girls Volleyball Club too strong...? The captain also got some kind of award at the opening ceremony, you know! ...Is that so? Is it possible that being good at a certain sport can make you more skillful at speaking?




Suddenly, I felt something pressed against my back, but it turned out to be Ichinose-san. Shirai-san and Okamocchan seemed to be amazed at her positive vibes when explaining about literature. She hugged me and gripped me... ...Does she miss me? She seems desperate all the time. It can't be denied that your popularity has skyrocketed, Ichinose-san. Isn't she already comparable to Natsukawa during the Airi-chan's show-off?

"What's wrong Ichinose-san? You'll be fine, really! Let alone, Shirai-san and Okamocchan. I'm sure they have a vibe that you can really get along with, you know?"

"Aren't you too formal? Hey, you're being hugged by her, Sajocchi."



"Oh!? That's not fair, Sajou-kun!"

"You're flirting with Mina-chan!"

Yeah, this is the privilege of being her foster parent. Ichinose-san used the summer vacation period to be reborn. In other words, I was the foster parent who created the opportunity. For Ichinose-san, this was the instinct to come home from her. Welcome back, my little girl!



Ughh..., ...I didn't expect that there would be a headlock...! Although she's quite tall, that diagonal lock from below is indeed very effective...! Oh, but don't tell me I didn't expect this feeling around my shoulder blades...!? Whoa! Focus all my attention...! Summer uniforms are the best!

"Hey, Sajocchi...! What the heck are you doing? Why are you flirting in a place that Aichi could see!?"


A whisper was placed in my ear. I was pulled hard and my neck stiffened even more. Yet, I felt a horrible feeling. Is this strange? Why is it that even though it's hard for me to breathe, I don't hate it? Hmm, eh? What did Ashida say? What did she say about Natsukawa...?

"H-Hey, what the heck are you two doing!?"


A voice echoed throughout the classroom. At the same time, the tension in my neck eased. As I looked towards the source of the voice with both of my eyeballs, I found Natsukawa standing with her hands on my desk and looking at me with a terrible look. I'm the one who went through the hard times here. Look at this! Hey, I've had enough of people staring at us!

"Whoa, Aichi!"

"Y-You two are too close!"


Natsukawa suddenly came and pulled me out of Ashida's headlock. Was it my fault? It was Ashida who clung to me first... ...Huh!? Natsukawa grabbed my arm! She pulled my arm! Whoa, her summer uniform is so close! Oh no, where the heck am I looking...? ...M-My upper arm!



Without a second thought, Natsukawa just kept pulling my arm and looking at me. Wait, did anything seem interesting in Natsukawa's eyes after this morning? Why are you hanging out with other girls unnecessarily!? Wait, was this not the 5 seconds before she was accused of sexual harassment...?

"Wow...! Natsukawa-san is so bold...!"


Shirai-san, who looked so innocent, threw a bomb into this room with her eyes sparkling. Hey, please don't say that...! Because the other party here is me, okay? Am I not that kind of guy? It'll just make the atmosphere awkward, so don't do it!

"! N-No, it's not like that, really...!"

"Y-You see, Shirai-san? Natsukawa said it's not like that, you know?"


Eh—? Even though she said so, but her eyes still sparkled. Can someone help me stop this girl? Don't bother too much! She cut off the atmosphere without realizing it was bad. Natsukawa-san is now really trying not to make eye contact with me! Please, someone help me!


Something's coming.

"—O-Oh, it's ringing."

[Are you free this afternoon? You are free, aren't you?]

Very good, Big Sis. God. Vajrapani. This is indeed a good timing. I did forget to use silent mode. I don't know what you meant, but thank you very much, Big Sis. Next time you fall asleep on the sofa with your belly button exposed, I will gently cover it with a towel.

"Hey... ...Sajocchi."

"You two..."

"Sh-Shut up...!"

Over there, there are two members of the Volleyball Club. Stop whispering to me and dragging me! Oh? Are you going to against me when God is on my side? Do you want to be punished by God? Will your volleyballs explode along with your spikes? Wouldn't that be great? Not only can they beat their senpai-s to get a regular spot, but they're also at a level where they're dominated by great players!

Author's Note: Bang!

TL: Reeze27

ED: Reeze27

PR: Reeze27

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