Yumemiru Danshi wa Genjitsushugisha [WN] - Chapter 170

Chapter 170
Just One Shot

After her eyes met mine, Natsukawa rolled her eyes slightly, then suddenly she put the cat-shaped cookies into her mouth. Natsukawa, who had put the cookies in her mouth, started chewing a small piece of the cookies. I felt like shooting a video. After all, the video recording screen on my smartphone was already open in my right pocket.


As if I had looked at her too much, Natsukawa shyly covered her mouth with the tip of her hand while turning her back to me. Yeah, she is indeed cute. It made me very excited just like that. The top rank was the fastest to rise for me. It was currently ranked number one in terms of retweets.

As if she had swallowed the cookies, Natsukawa turned around and came closer to me while making a loud noise. Her face looked a bit sullen, probably because she felt indifferent earlier. Gosh, she feels a bit angry with me...?



Without saying a word, she hit me with the palm of her right hand to my chest. Rather than that kind of trivial attack, I was more surprised by the unexpected touch of the body, and I let out a sound like a puppy. Where did she touch me?

"...I-It's nothing... ...I'm not being lazy, you know...!?"


"I-I was asking someone in the Home Economics Club if there was a problem, and they gave me these cookies instead...!"

My instincts told me to make up an excuse somewhere. If you look closely, you can see that she is wearing an enamel armband on her left arm with the words "Cultural Festival Executive Committee" printed on it. She had some sort of walkie-talkie hanging from her waist. She did say that she was going to patrol around during the Cultural Festival, so she was probably on her way there. I see, was she really in a position where she wasn't allowed to eat sweets and such while walking around?

"The part of my body that you hit just now...?"

"That's... ...because of the way you dressed, the way you looked at me, why are you alone here...? ...I don't know where to start!?"

"I see."

I think the attack was an expression of dissatisfaction with the questions she had. I can understand that. If a boy was wearing a dog costume like this staring at me while I was eating, I would probably feel like I was being made fun of by him. If it had been me who found such a person, I would have handed him over to the Cultural Festival Executive Committee on patrol. Eh... ...Am I going to be arrested and imprisoned at this time...?

"What the heck is this? Why are you like this...? ...What kind of dog is this...?"

"No, I don't know what kind of dog this is... ...It could be a shepherd dog."


It just looks like a pair of pajamas with brown fur and a white belly. —It's not pajamas, but it is a stuffed animal costume. —Natsukawa looked at me, poking at the fabric of my costume, as if inspecting the material. I can at least say something equally fashionable about this kind of dog costume... ...I think this usually be modeled after a real shepherd dog...

"...Why are you alone? Shouldn't you be going around with Ichinose-san and your kouhai girl...?"

"...? No, in that case, the three of us should split up for now.—Okay, oh!?"

"Kya!? Wh-What's wrong...?"

This is not the time for me to have a casual conversation with Natsukawa! No, it's important too because it's a matter of lifetime intake! If we don't find Sasaki soon, we don't know what Yuki-chan will do to him! I need to find Sasaki as soon as possible...!

"Natsukawa... ...Um, that boy! Didn't you see Sasaki?"

"Eh!? ...Eh, Sasaki-kun?"

Natsukawa asked. There might be a girl in the Home Economics Club who went with Sasaki. From the conversation about her getting cookies from the Home Economics Club, it seemed that Natsukawa had been around here for quite a while, so he might have seen Sasaki.

"What's wrong with Sasaki-kun...?"

"5SBSC!" *5 seconds before serious confinement.


"No, it's not that, um...!"

I can't! Because I was in such a hurry, I ended up telling her about Sasaki's crisis in the shortest way possible! There's no way she'll understand if someone like me says it out of the blue. Anyway, the question was whether Natsukawa knew where Sasaki was.

"Sasaki's little sis is here, and she's looking for her big bro."

"I see..."

Calm down, there's no point in panicking here.

Natsukawa probably knew that Sasaki was admired by his little sis. However, she may not know that his little sis is a brocon. I don't have the heart to ask her to cooperate right now, and saying that Yuki-chan might cause trouble. Most importantly, if a beautiful girl of Natsukawa's level looks for Sasaki, Yuki-chan's attention might be drawn to Natsukawa. That's very risky.

"Sorry, I don't think I've seen him yet..."

"I-I see..."

No need to panic, let's calm down for a moment and look for him.

The Cultural Festival is a special event. It's possible that the girl he's with doesn't just want to date Sasaki alone, she might have prepared a lot of things. If their feelings can come together today, they will be able to spend the second day of the Cultural Festival together as lovers. This might be possible—.

"Thank you, Natsukawa. I'm in a hurry."

"Oh, w-wait a minute...!"

Just as I was about to run out, while feeling regretful, I was stopped by Natsukawa. I was so happy to hear that, what made me think that? I feel that Sasaki's priority has suddenly disappeared in my mind.

I couldn't help but turn around with a slight grin on my face, then Natsukawa said with a slightly annoyed look on her face.

"That... ...That's, you know!?"


"That costume... ...are you going to wear it tomorrow too?"

"No, I won't wear it anymore, you know!"

I won't wear it anymore, you know! After all, who would intentionally wear a dog costume like this? Even I, who's not a good-looking boy, wouldn't want to, let alone a pretty girl, so there's no particular demand for me to keep wearing a costume like this everywhere. I was being made a joke.

"Then... ...I-I'll take your picture just once!"

"Huh...? No, wait, why did you take out your smartphone? Wait, aren't you a member of the Cultural Festival Executive Committee?"

Natsukawa approached me frantically in a hurry while fiddling with her smartphone. As she arrived right in front of me, she stopped while operating her smartphone. Her face was slightly red as if she was in a hurry. What prompted Natsukawa to do that?

...Eh, are these Natsukawa's first two shots of me in my costume like this? Seriously? What's with this happy but slightly uncomfortable feeling...? ...It's like when I'm getting my hair done but don't have time to do it before going to school. Can I have three hours to change my clothes?

"O-Okay? If Natsukawa said that much that you insist on it—"

"N-No need to change your clothes!"


"No need to change your clothes!"

I paused for a moment and stood up like she told me to. Natsukawa, on the other hand, didn't line up next to me, but she kept pointing the lens of her smartphone at me from the front. Eh... ...Natsukawa-san? Isn't that a different position? If you keep leaving it like that, you'll only be able to see me alone, right?

As I felt sorry for myself for not being able to keep up with this rapid development, she continued to photograph me like this. After a while, then she took a quick picture of me from a little further away. Wait a minute, isn't that another story?

Eh, did you take a picture of me...? Did you just take a picture of me? Eh, just me alone? Wasn't it just two shoots just now?

One shot for me when I turned into a deformed dog?

"Um — Natsukawa?"

"Yeah... ...Yeah. I managed to photograph you."

"No... ... "I managed to photograph you", that's not what I meant... ...Then, didn't you say it was just one shot?"

"That first shot didn't include your whole body, did it?"

"Oh, yeah."

It was returned to me normally and I had nothing to do but nod my head.

Eh, what's wrong with me...? Don't girls usually take selfies with themselves in them, like they should look good in that outfit or something? Shouldn't she take a picture of me in this weird costume with her, edit it, rotate the space, and then post it on social media? However, Natsukawa probably didn't need to do anything like that.

As I tilted my head, Natsukawa made a surprised face and said apologetically.

"Um, thank you... ...Sorry, I was too hasty."

"No, well... ...I don't mind, though."

Okay, then, calm yourself. Now, I've come to my real work. Let's put on a facial expression. In five seconds, I'll put on the most beautiful facial expression I've ever put on. I'm pretty sure the best angle is from the front left. I've been searching for it since I was in the second year of middle school.

"In that case, I should go back to my patrol shift too, okay..."

"Eh, you're done — Eh?"

"See you soon."

Natsukawa immediately put down her smartphone and walked away while waving her hands. It's bad, but she's really very cute! Although it's not as much as she wants, I want to take a picture of her too — I mean, eh? Is this really over? No two more photo shoots? What should I do with all this excitement? My thoughts were still in my heart like a roller coaster, and I was stuck at the top.


Author's Note: Search for it!

TL: Reeze27

ED: Reeze27

PR: Reeze27

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