Yumemiru Danshi wa Genjitsushugisha [WN] - Chapter 147

Chapter 147
Even If I Fulfilled My Role

A week has passed since the change in the organizational structure of the Cultural Festival Executive Committee. The work, which has been done without unnecessary hassle, has gone smoothly. First of all, our motivation was different than before. Had we not seen the goal, we might not have moved so quickly.

As we passed the top of the mountain and approached the foot of the mountain, the leaders of the Cultural Festival Executive Committee, Gou-senpai, and I made our final checks. We checked the completed documents and data for typos and other errors. As a first-year student, I obviously felt out of place, but I thought it was a good thing that I was just goldfish dung compared to Gou-senpai's dedication, and he probably wouldn't say anything specifically to me. That *ss — I'll never let it go.

"The documents — We've finalized all of them!!!"


The Vice President of the Cultural Festival Executive Committee, Kimura-senpai, raised his hand happily. After that, the third-year male members of the Cultural Festival Executive Committee cheered with a loudness that was extremely rare. They were so excited that they looked like they would take off their uniforms at any moment. Please stop doing that!

Before my eyes, there are printed materials lined up tightly at the back of the classroom. Not piece by piece. There was a bundle of materials and instructions to be distributed to each classroom in each year group. The only remaining tasks were those that were in progress and waiting.

"Everyone... ...Thank you! Thank you...!"

"Hey, no need to cry, Tomoka!"

The President of the Cultural Festival Executive Committee, Hasegawa-senpai, burst into tears. Kimura-senpai hurriedly comforted Senpai who covered her face with both hands. Come to think of it, Hasegawa-senpai has been working hard since the change in organizational structure. Even though she was the President of the Cultural Festival Executive Committee, she must have felt responsible for having fulfilled a role in getting the Cultural Festival Executive Committee into trouble. Well, that's why it was like that in the beginning, maybe she should have done that in the first place, but I still think it's amazing. If it were me, I'd probably lose half my hair from guilt and stress. I wonder if this is also the power of love... ...In a sense, Hanawa-senpai also has very deep karma.

It's not that our work is finished, but we have completed what we needed to complete. That way, now we don't have to force ourselves to gather during lunch break or after school. Hasegawa-senpai is probably more relieved about that than the fact that we still have some work left to do. She seems to be the type of person who likes to blame herself.

"Hey, hey! Let's go and sing at karaoke for the first time in a long time!"

"Let's go!"

We will disperse today at the right time. From now on, I guess we'll just have to be content with the time this high school has put into its curriculum to prepare for the Cultural Festival. If you ask me, I just now felt confused because I had done a lot as an assistant, but I was happy with the results. I think we've accomplished more than our ultimate goal of "getting this Cultural Festival ready on time".

After a delay of one tempo, that realization came to my mind, and I felt my heart pounding in my chest.

"Wataru. I'm sorry, but..."

"It's all about little post-processing details and such. Isn't that something that happens all the time? This time, I just screamed with joy."

"Go ahead."

Although the minimum quota was met, this time our response managed to overcome the situation by involving external collaborators. Specifically, it was Gou-senpai and I's role in the Hanawa-senpai's team's future movements, reporting to the Student Council, and sharing other information with them. I don't think I'll be able to go home so soon.

"Thank goodness! Natsukawa!"


I thought to myself while watching Natsukawa and the auxiliary members. It was as if "our final destination" had been reached, but we were still some distance away from reaching the harbor. We still don't have a foothold to get off the ship. From this point on, the Student Council will play an important role in this critical moment. I don't think I'll let them off the hook here, based on my experience when I was still working part-time. Although it's painful, they'll get there in time to finish up, so I won't have to help them much. Can you guys let me play around with that? I felt anxious as I stopped playing the RPG to take my time and wait for a while...

"Do you guys want to get out of here quickly? Even if we were to stay here and work on it, it seems like it would be rather troublesome."

"Hmm, that's right."

Even though it's not finished yet, there's no point in just sitting around, laptop on, at the end of this classroom in a lackluster mood. Let's move to another place.


"Thank you very much for helping me. Little Bro-kun."


In the Student Council Office. While I was taking a break from completing my work while engaged in a verbal argument with Big Sis, Hanawa-senpai, who had been absent from school after school for a long time, spoke to me for the first time in a long time. It's unusual, but I get the impression that Hanawa-senpai is the type of person who treats me like "a boy who's close to Sajou Kaede", even though I'm her little bro. I never expected that he would say thank you to me.

"Sh*t, you seem to be surprised that I would say this kind of thing to you. Well, but you helped me this time. As expected of you, you are Kaede's little bro, aren't you?"


"Renji has never complimented me before, has he?"

"I've complimented you before, haven't I? Kaede just hasn't realized it yet."


Hanawa-senpai smiled casually like he had a lot of free time, and Big Sis sighed. She's probably felt this way many times before. I think I can understand why she's not interested in Hanawa-senpai despite his good looks. I'm fine with Hanawa-senpai as my senpai, but it's hard for me to have him as a friend. I feel like I'm going to break after he makes fun of me while putting on a friendly expression.

Nonetheless, the fact that he praised me, meant that this must have been an impactful moment for Hanawa-senpai. It's not natural for him to keep smiling all the time, and it's like he's saying "I don't want to show my weakness". She was the first to take the initiative for some incomprehensible reason like "It's my responsibility because I'm loved by her", but as long as the name "Hanawa Renji" is still in Yuuki-senpai and Gou-senpai's investigation report, it's a "loophole", right? If the day of the Cultural Festival turns into a mess, I don't know who else can check the report.

I feel like I understand the meaning of "responsibility" better now.

"Wataru. I'll be fine to take care of the rest by myself."

"Oh, you're serious—? What should I do starting tomorrow?"

"First of all, you need to prepare for your classes, right? You don't need to help out here anymore, okay?"

"That's right, though...?"

I can't say "I'm sorry for my role". Because I was already getting lunch every day in return. I can realize that my appetite is starting to grow. These days, I can't bring myself to buy any food from the convenience store... ...I'm being controlled by the Yuuki family chef, who I don't know, he's controlling my appetite, what should I do? Can I work as a servant for the Yuuki family? Eh...? ...I think they've repaid me well, don't you?

"Alright, I'll leave the rest to you, please do me a favor."

"Thank you for your hard work."

—Whatever. We no longer have to do chores during lunch breaks and after school. Natsukawa didn't have to suffer anymore, and the rift between her and the Soccer Club Manager Senpais was slowly fading away. There were no more strange problems. In this case, too, I had also achieved my goal and I was completely relieved of my role.


"...Yeah, it can't be helped."

If I stopped in the middle of the project, I would feel a rather strange feeling. I felt that if I had gotten this far, I guess the next task wouldn't be too complicated, and I would probably feel a sense of accomplishment for helping to see the whole project through to the end, so I might want to say goodbye to them. But the truth is that I'm not a member of the Cultural Festival Executive Committee, and I have to help my class prepare for the performance at the Cultural Festival... ...And, as I suspected, besides that, Big Sis doesn't allow me anymore.

"Oh, the laptop..."

I was just about to put it in my bag because I thought I would bring it back tomorrow. Is it in the Student Council Office? — No, the loan book is in the Cultural Festival Executive Committee classroom, right? I think I left the cardboard box with the laptop in the corner. Should I put it there and go home?

By the way, while I'm going there, I'll take a look at the scenery and then...

The sunset with its shimmering rays turned the classroom into orange. Unlike the previous days, today was a slightly cooler day, feeling a bit warmer than hot, and making me sleepy. The thought of having to walk home makes my legs feel even heavier. Should I stay here for a while longer, then go home?

I sat down at a suitable table by the window.

It was a little earlier than the previous times of twilight. The sun was shining at a different angle, and the view from the back of the classroom had a different feel than before. The dust flying in the air seemed calm and shimmering. This was a sign that it was quiet. In the current silence, I could hear the shouts of the club members in the distance.

Basking in the sun had become a habit of mine, but now was the time to end it. It was fine if I wanted to see the view directly from my classroom, but that was in the east school building, so if I wanted to enjoy the sunset through the window, I would have to go to the side hallway, where the schoolyard was. That might be true, but I wouldn't stay here until the evening.


My smartphone vibrated. When I took it out, I found that there was a notification screen, apparently a new message from Big Sis. I didn't want to see this notification. I don't think it means that she's telling me to come back at this time... I'm probably still not far from her, and it might feel a bit awkward.

[Do it properly.]


What the heck is this? Do it properly? What do you mean, "Do it properly"? Rather, I was just trying to stop "doing it properly" when I was released from my duty. From now on, I'm free, nothing is binding me. I no longer need to refuse Iwatani's FPS invitation. Let's have a party.

It's been a long time since I last played a game. Even in RPGs, I can barely remember how far I've progressed, and which chapters I've gotten to. It's also nice to enjoy something from what I remember... ...I'm starting to get excited about something.

"Wait... ...Heh?"




Just as I was about to pick up my bag and sit on the desk, I put down my feet that were floating on the floor, and then I felt someone's presence. When I landed on my foot, I found that there were someone's shoes inside the classroom. When I looked up, my eyes met those of Natsukawa, who was standing at the classroom entrance.

...Um? Why are you here? I don't care, but you look too pretty in the sunset, don't you? Since when did you come here?

TL: Reeze27

ED: Reeze27

PR: Reeze27

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