Yumemiru Danshi wa Genjitsushugisha [WN] - Chapter 117

Chapter 117
What Should A Little Bro Be Like?

"The Natsukawa sisters will be immortal forever."

Once again? I never thought that I would be asked to declare their immortality twice... ...but I'm not experienced enough to talk about the Natsukawa sisters, especially Natsukawa herself. No, love is blind, isn't it? In the times when I still only focused on Natsukawa alone, I didn't care about her little sis, Airi-chan. As long as Natsukawa was there, I thought it would be fine... ...but come to think of it, my feelings of love for her were indeed futile. There was a time when I did become a stalker. I will praise this girl for going home with me so that she wouldn't lose her temper.

"N-Not that one...!"

"Eh, not that one, huh? Hmm, why are you pulling my earlobe? —Ouch, ouch, ouch!"

It is said that her strength is not too strong. Still, let's not be naive, and let's not assume that my earlobes, which have been trained by Big Sis, will be able to withstand such a strong force. Perhaps my earlobes have already grown to their full potential. Why are you pulling my earlobe? But the pain feels good, you know.

Thinking about it calmly, if Natsukawa were to get my earlobes pulled, wouldn't it be serious? I'm willing to take it regularly. There's something addictive about it, it's like a massage therapy. To make matters worse, she'll probably do that to me if I ask for that much. I see, so this is what happened...! Calm down me!

"Eh? Sorry. Which part?"

"N-Never mind!"


Is she mad at me? I don't think she would allow anyone other than her little sis, Airi-chan to call her "Onee-chan". No matter how much siscon is she, she would gently pull my earlobe. Good... then, in that case, I'll probably just call her "Onee-chan" on purpose, instead of asking her directly, there might be one more chance for my other earlobe to be pulled by her. I'm probably the only boy in the world right now who's seriously thinking about how to get a female classmate to pull my earlobe.



This was not the right time to think about stupid things. Natsukawa's face is seen from the side. Her face was flushed! Isn't her anger at me slowly increasing at the moment? There's no need to hit me right now, right?

Is it possible that the reason she didn't pull my earlobe harder is because it has something to do with Airi-chan...? Her pride as a big sis of hers would not allow her to use brutal violence. I see, now I'm starting to understand a bit.

"No, Airi-chan is very lucky to have a big sis like you, Natsukawa."


"Compared to my Big Sis, there's a big difference!"

"I-I'm nothing, compared to your big sis..."

Eh? Your Big Sis-in-Law...? That's not it, is it? You don't call her that, do you? You call her "Sajou Wataru's Big Sis". So don't misunderstand!

What do you mean, compared to Big Sis? Does Natsukawa already know something about the "Onee-chan" side of Big Sis...? No, I don't think she knows, because Big Sis doesn't have that quality. She's a "big sister" though (*I didn't say she was my big sister). Because she's the only one, Sajou Kaede. More or less, it's the same as Godzilla.

"I envy Airi-chan."


Oh, did this solid compliment strategy work out? Her face was still flushed, but from the way her gaze was awkwardly downcast, it seemed like Natsukawa was weak when I complimented her about her "Onee-chan" side. I knew something good about it. Huh, she's so cute. So cute...! I can't look at her directly...

I hope this will put her in a better mood. Lately, she's been very expressive when she talks about Airi-chan. Is my desire to see her also mixed up...?



"Y-You, you see... ...how are you when you're with your Big Sis at home?"


Me, when I'm with Big Sis, at home? Hmm, what does this mean?

Is this the same thing as what Kai-senpai asked me yesterday afternoon? Eh, wait a minute, so Natsukawa is curious about my relationship with Big Sis? If Kai-senpai asked me about it yesterday it's because he's interested in Big Sis, right...? Then, what about Natsukawa? Does that mean Natsukawa is interested in me?

O-Oh, calm down! That can't be true, you idiot! From what I've heard, Natsukawa has a high regard for Big Sis, right? Maybe that's why she's trying to listen to what I have to say about my Big Sis and using that as a reference for how to be a good "big sis"? Of course, she does...! There's no other reason than that, is there?!

"N-No, listen to me. I've told you about Big Sis several times before, haven't I? Is that what you're asking?"

"I-It's not about your Big Sis...!"


It's not about Big Sis...? Then, who is it about...? Eh, me? Is Natsukawa trying to ask about me? Is that right, Natsukawa?

No, no, what am I supposed to do if she's asking about me? I mean, have I always not gotten along with Big Sis? No, it's not much different from when we briefly talked about her before. But Natsukawa is into this story..., ...she smiled when she listened to it that time, seriously. My vocabulary is dead. However, what about this Natsukawa? Just looking at her face is enough to restore my HP.

"W-Wataru..., ...You see, I was wondering what kind of little bro you are..."

"Little bro- —Eh?"

Hmm? Do you... want to have a little bro?

Oh, I see... ...no, I don't understand. Is this philosophy? First of all, am I a little bro? Eh? I never really thought about it. Is it just me...?

No, but it's true. It's normal in human stories to wonder if you're a good father or a good big sis. I wonder if I can do it well. After all, Big Sis said something like that before summer vacation. — Ugh, I'm going crazy...! ...I don't want to remember it anymore...!

Wait a minute...? Am I the only one who didn't realize that? Does she ever think that Airi-chan is thinking about whether she's a proper "little sis"? Eh? I kind of don't like that. I might not trust humanity anymore if all her innocence is Airi-chan's doing.

Yuki-chan seems to be trying to quit her duties as Sasaki's "little sis"... ...Oh! But Ichinose-san seems to think about it a lot too, doesn't she? Her big bro has a girlfriend now, anyway. She's very conscious about how her big bro treats her as his "little sis".

Oh? But what should a "little bro" be like...? What should I do to be a "little bro"? Big bros and big sisters are like that, aren't they? "Are they able to look after their little brothers or little sisters?" "Are they able to be a good role model for their younger siblings?", that kind of thing, right? Maybe Big Sis will understand something about that... ...maybe she can spoil me at a proper and reasonable distance...? Eh, so a little bro can get the same treatment as a little sis?  Will I also be spoiled by Big Sis?

"—I... I can't have a little bro...?"

"Eh...!? What do you mean you can't? Is there something avoiding you that makes you can't...!?"

Do I want to be spoiled by Big Sis...? How could I do that? But it's already too late. Or was it perhaps because I, as her little bro, didn't know about it? Surprisingly, people who weren't involved in the incident probably paid more attention to these kinds of things than those who were. Let's ask Natsukawa so she can tell me what "little bro" be like.

"What should I do as a "little bro"?"

"E-Eh...!? Even though you asked me...!"

Oh...! That's right, Natsukawa doesn't understand that, that's why she wanted to ask me about a "little bro". Rather, Natsukawa is just the curious one. Eh, but even though I'm a little bro, I don't know anything about little bros. Isn't that serious...? Will I be okay? Won't I be taken off the family register?



Oh...! This is bad! Natsukawa's face turned red again...! This is interesting! She must be so cute when she's angry! She must be angry that I can't be a proper "little bro"! That's right, Natsukawa yelled at me when I was being hard on Big Sis before! Is being a "little bro" an important title...? I've never thought about that before either...

"I-It's not that I'm doing it..., but it's more like I'm being forced to do it..."

"Forced to do what...?"

"Forced to do it"... That's the passive voice? Natsukawa didn't use any honorific pronouns, right? I understand that if I'm her little sis, I'll be spoiled, so of course I'll get head rubs and kindness from my big bro or big sis. In other words, Natsukawa was asking me, "Do you want to be spoiled?" Isn't that so? In the end, I didn't have to be a "little bro". I can't be spoiled by Big Sis. I don't know what to do...

"For example?"

"F-For example...!? L-Let's see..."

For Ichinose-san, it was getting a safe and warm feeling from leaning on her big bro's stomach. I see... ...So it was a role play where she would get warmth from her big bro by playing the role of "little sis"? The relationship between siblings is indeed very deep...!

"—Cleaning your ears, or something like that?"

"Cleaning my ears?"

Oh, I see, cleaning my ears, huh? ...Cleaning my ears...

I feel like my eardrums are going to burst.

Author's Note: "Ah!"

TL: Reeze27

ED: Reeze27

PR: Reeze27

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